BDPA Detroit Chapter

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  • Black Girls CODE events
  • BDPA Detroit Chapter 2018 Election
  • Trainers Needed BDPA Detroit High School Competition (HSCC) Camp

BDPA-Detroit Chapter

Black Girls CODE events

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Register Now!
Join us this fall in Detroit for upcoming Black Girls CODE events. Prepare for a season full of fun and active learning!
Black Girls CODE Detroit Chapter Presents:
Robot Expo!

 Tech Divas will combine hands-on activities using Lego WeDo and EV3 kits with live demonstrations from area robotics organizations where the girls will interact with sophisticated robots, and learn real-world/business applications and uses for robotics.

This class is intended for girls ages 7-17.  

Date: September 15, 2018
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Wayne State University
State Hall

Register by September 12th to secure your spot!
Black Girls CODE Detroit Chapter Presents:
Community Day!

Through live demo, our Tech Divas will learn why coding is important and then jump into action by learning to build and code robots, little bits-Google DayDreams & makey makey. This event will be an educational experience for girls, parents, educators, partners, and community members.  

Date: September 29, 2018
Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Charles H. Wright Museum

Museum admission is not included. 

Space is limited for this event, sign up soon to secure your spot!
Black Girls CODE Detroit Chapter Presents:
A Virtual Reality Experience!

Tech Divas will learn how to use Unity3D, an industry standard game development platform, to develop a simple Virtual Reality experience. They will use code to bring their experience to life.

Date: October 6, 2018
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Wayne State University
State Hall

Register by October 3rd to secure your spot!

Stay abreast of all Black Girls CODE student and volunteer opportunities by visiting our website and joining our mailing list.

BDPA Detroit Chapter 2018 Election

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New BDPA LogoBDPA Detroit Chapter 2018 Election


JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2020

BDPA Detroit is a membership based IT professional organization. It is important that we have member based leadership that we can count on to run the organization and represent our specific ideals and interests to our members, the corporate community and greater Detroit communities. It is time to elect and appoint our 2019 Board of Directors and Executive Committee. This is one of the most important events for the future of BDPA Detroit and an excellent opportunity for personal development and career growth.

The BDPA Detroit chapter needs your leadership skills to take us to the next level. If you have new ideals and you see the need for change, you are a prime candidate for one of the leadership roles in BDPA Detroit chapter.

The criteria for the elected positions are that you must demonstrate your ability to perform the role in your BIO or resume and be a financially current member before the election date. For appointed positions you must demonstrate your desire to fill the role in the nomination/ appointment form and be a financially current member before January, 2019. You must remain a financially current member for the full term of your position.


The following 2 year ELECTED positions are available:

 Chapter President  

Responsible for providing leadership and direction. The President coordinates with other BDPA Chapter Presidents; is the general representative to outside groups and bears final accountability for the health and well-being of BDPA Detroit.

Vice President of Business Management / President Elect

Responsible to work closely with Chapter President and Board of Directors on every endeavor, to ensure a smooth transition of leadership for the organization. In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall assume the duties of the President.

Vice President of Finance

Responsible for maintaining and reporting accurate accounts of BDPA Detroit Chapter expenditures and funds in keeping with our By-laws and fiscal policies.


The following 2 year APPOINTED positions are available:

Executive Secretary

Responsibilities are to ensure that all organization records are accurately kept and regularly maintained.

Vice President of Technology and Automation

Responsible for managing Chapter networking, hardware, and technical communications requirements as well as for the community the Chapter supports

Vice President of S.I.T.E.S.

Responsible for delivering and managing these programs for the chapter for our K - 12 youth. This includes coordinating with our National Organization in relation to the SITES Programs and administering these actual programs in our community. This includes the HSCC Program and National Competition at the Annual Conference.  

Vice President of Programs and Professional Development

Responsible for the development and delivery of programs relating to Technology and Entrepreneurship for the Chapter. The content or theme of these programs is to be consistent and in accordance with the objectives of the Chapter and will be accomplished with the guidance of a Program Committee.


Vice President of Membership Management

Responsible for the development and maintenance of a Chapter membership plan that assures continued growth through active recruitment, retention of existing members and, partnering with major employers and educational institutions. 

Nomination/Appointment forms are attached. Please send nominations and request for appointments positions to:



Election forms:

Elections Nomination

Request for Appointment Form



Trainers Needed BDPA Detroit High School Competition (HSCC) Camp

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New BDPA Logo

Trainers Needed

BDPA Detroit High School Competition (HSCC) Camp



BDPA Detroit Chapter is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization comprised of professionals working in the IT industry or anyone having an interest in information technology. BDPA Detroit is a local chapter of a National organization that has over 40 Chapters nationwide. Our membership is diverse that includes IT managers, executives, consultants, entrepreneurs, project managers, developers, network engineers, programmers, web developers, instructors and students.   


BDPA Detroit Chapter has a tradition of "Closing the Gap in Information Technology”. The HSCC (High School Computer Competition) program is conducted in more than 40 chapters across the US annually training grades 9 through 11 students. The training consists of computer and presentation skills and web application programming.


We are in need of IT Trainers. This is a volunteer position.  Trainers are eligible for PMI PDU’s toward PMI re-certification or obtaining PMI certification.   The IT volunteers must be able to train high school students. Classes are held on Saturdays beginning the first Saturday in February until mid-July.  The volunteer should have experience in some (but not all) of the following technologies:


  • PHP
  • CSS 3
  • HTML 5
  • Responsive Web Design


The HSCC course is designed to be an introduction to open-source web application development and engineering in general. Students will learn how to design the user interface of web applications using mobile-responsive techniques and also learn how to display and store information from a database within the application using server-side programming.  Participating students will receive quality instruction in basic programming concepts using the Java programming language, web page design using HTML, database design and various topics in career development. These are skills that will prove valuable and can immediately be put to practical use. This will give students the opportunity to gain a 360-degree view of how a web application functions. 


Over the past 40 years, the BDPA program curriculum has educated and trained over 30,000 students. The HSCC camp has enabled students to develop life skills, improve academic performance and improve work maturity. BDPA members volunteer as trainers, instructors, tutors, and mentors who use the curriculum contextually as part of an on-the-job career and life planning process. This dynamic program links the youth to school-to-work and other yearlong efforts such as career awareness and exploration objectives.


At the end of the training cycle, qualified students will be selected to participate in the BDPA National HSCC (High School Computer Competition) competition which will be held during the Annual BDPA National Conference. High school students of BDPA chapters from across the country will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned, to network with other high school students and to meet representatives from some of the top companies in the information technology industry.




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