BDPA Detroit Chapter 2018 Election
JANUARY 1, 2019 - DECEMBER 31, 2020
BDPA Detroit is a membership based IT professional organization. It is important that we have member based leadership that we can count on to run the organization and represent our specific ideals and interests to our members, the corporate community and greater Detroit communities. It is time to elect and appoint our 2019 Board of Directors and Executive Committee. This is one of the most important events for the future of BDPA Detroit and an excellent opportunity for personal development and career growth.
The BDPA Detroit chapter needs your leadership skills to take us to the next level. If you have new ideals and you see the need for change, you are a prime candidate for one of the leadership roles in BDPA Detroit chapter.
The criteria for the elected positions are that you must demonstrate your ability to perform the role in your BIO or resume and be a financially current member before the election date. For appointed positions you must demonstrate your desire to fill the role in the nomination/ appointment form and be a financially current member before January, 2019. You must remain a financially current member for the full term of your position.
The following 2 year ELECTED positions are available:
Chapter President
Responsible for providing leadership and direction. The President coordinates with other BDPA Chapter Presidents; is the general representative to outside groups and bears final accountability for the health and well-being of BDPA Detroit.
Vice President of Business Management / President Elect
Responsible to work closely with Chapter President and Board of Directors on every endeavor, to ensure a smooth transition of leadership for the organization. In the absence of the President, the President Elect shall assume the duties of the President.
Vice President of Finance
Responsible for maintaining and reporting accurate accounts of BDPA Detroit Chapter expenditures and funds in keeping with our By-laws and fiscal policies.
The following 2 year APPOINTED positions are available:
Executive Secretary
Responsibilities are to ensure that all organization records are accurately kept and regularly maintained.
Vice President of Technology and Automation
Responsible for managing Chapter networking, hardware, and technical communications requirements as well as for the community the Chapter supports
Vice President of S.I.T.E.S.
Responsible for delivering and managing these programs for the chapter for our K - 12 youth. This includes coordinating with our National Organization in relation to the SITES Programs and administering these actual programs in our community. This includes the HSCC Program and National Competition at the Annual Conference.
Vice President of Programs and Professional Development
Responsible for the development and delivery of programs relating to Technology and Entrepreneurship for the Chapter. The content or theme of these programs is to be consistent and in accordance with the objectives of the Chapter and will be accomplished with the guidance of a Program Committee.
Vice President of Membership Management
Responsible for the development and maintenance of a Chapter membership plan that assures continued growth through active recruitment, retention of existing members and, partnering with major employers and educational institutions.
Nomination/Appointment forms are attached. Please send nominations and request for appointments positions to: